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Becoming an artist on TeeFury

What's in it for me?

Earn a commission for every item sold bearing your artwork! Click here to view our current commission rates based on product and sale type.Build a FanbaseWe've got a huge following of 5,000,000+ fans and for 24 hours, all eyes are on you!Retain full

Submission Guidelines

What type of print file should I submit?

It’s most important to submit a file with a transparent background (PNG file), minimum of 150 dpi, and a maximum of 300 dpi, must fit within a 12x16 inch canvas (or 1800x2400 pixels), and must not exceed the 15MB file size maximum.

What type of artwork are you looking for?

We like to see a range of designs from original artwork to transformative parody. Most of all we are looking for originality & broad visual appeal! You can check out any of our collections to get a sense of the types of artwork we typically approve.

How do I submit my work?

We are excited to see what you have for us! First thing, please click here to create an artist account so you are able to submit your amazing art! Once you are done with that, log in to your account and navigate to the "submissions" tab within the Ar

Who retains the rights to my work?

You, the independent artist, retain the rights to your own work.

Why wasn't my design accepted?

We’re generally looking for designs with broad appeal, original design execution, cultural relevance, or humor that is wearable. It may be that your design doesn’t meet these criteria, isn’t print-friendly, or references pop-culture characters too di

Artist Agreement

This Agreement contains the terms and conditions for submitting your design, including any artwork or other materials submitted, (hereinafter the “Design”) to DigMEE Holding Company Inc dba TeeFury (hereinafter "TeeFury"). Please read this Agreement